Source code for fiql_parser.constraint

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The FIQL ``Constraint`` is the building block of the FIQL ``Expression``. A
FIQL ``Constraint`` is, on its own, a very simple ``Expression``.

The ``constraint`` module includes the code used for managing comparison
acceptance and representation of the FIQL ``Constraint``.

    REV_COMPARISON_MAP (dict): Reverse mappings for common FIQL comparisons.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import absolute_import

    #pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
    from urllib import quote_plus
except ImportError:
    #pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module
    from urllib.parse import quote_plus

from .exceptions import FiqlObjectException
from .constants import COMPARISON_COMP, COMPARISON_MAP
from .expression import BaseExpression, Expression

# Reversed Common FIQL comparisons.
REV_COMPARISON_MAP = {v: k for k, v in COMPARISON_MAP.items()}

[docs]class Constraint(BaseExpression): """ The ``Constraint`` is the smallest logical unit for a FIQL ``Expression``. It itself must evaluate to ``True`` or ``False`` and contains no smaller unit which itself can evaluate to ``True`` or ``False``. Attributes: selector (string): Constraint ``selector``. comparison (string): Constraint ``comparison`` operator. argument (string): Constraint ``argument``. """ def __init__(self, selector, comparison=None, argument=None): """Initialize instance of ``Constraint``. Args: selector (string): URL decoded constraint ``selector``. comparison (string, optional): Parsed/mapped ``comparison`` operator. Defaults to ``None``. argument (string, optional): URL decoded constraint ``argument``. Defaults to ``None``. Raises: FiqlObjectException: Not a valid FIQL comparison. """ super(Constraint, self).__init__() self.selector = selector # Validate comparison format. if comparison and COMPARISON_COMP.match(comparison) is None: # Check for >, <, >=, or <=. if not REV_COMPARISON_MAP.get(comparison): raise FiqlObjectException( "'%s' is not a valid FIQL comparison" % comparison) comparison = REV_COMPARISON_MAP.get(comparison) self.comparison = comparison self.argument = argument
[docs] def op_and(self, *elements): """Create an ``Expression`` using this ``Constraint`` and the specified additional ``elements`` joined using an "AND" ``Operator`` Args: *elements (BaseExpression): The ``Expression`` and/or ``Constraint`` elements which the "AND" ``Operator`` applies to in addition to this ``Constraint``. Returns: Expression: Newly created ``Expression`` including this ``Constraint``, the elements passed in, and the "AND" ``Operator``. """ return Expression().op_and(self, *elements)
[docs] def op_or(self, *elements): """Create an ``Expression`` using this ``Constraint`` and the specified additional ``elements`` joined using an "OR" ``Operator`` Args: *elements (BaseExpression): The ``Expression`` and/or ``Constraint`` elements which the "OR" ``Operator`` applies to in addition to this ``Constraint``. Returns: Expression: Newly created ``Expression`` including this ``Constraint``, the elements passed in, and the "OR" ``Operator``. """ return Expression().op_or(self, *elements)
[docs] def to_python(self): """Deconstruct the ``Constraint`` instance to a tuple. Returns: tuple: The deconstructed ``Constraint``. """ return ( self.selector, COMPARISON_MAP.get(self.comparison, self.comparison), self.argument )
def __str__(self): """Represent the ``Constraint`` instance as a string. Returns: string: The represented ``Constraint``. """ if self.argument: return "{0}{1}{2}".format(quote_plus(self.selector), self.comparison, quote_plus(self.argument)) return self.selector