Source code for fiql_parser.operator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
FIQL has two operators. ";" which is the logical ``AND`` and "," for the
logical ``OR`` where ``AND`` has a logical precedence which is higher than that
of ``OR``.

The ``operator`` module includes the code used for managing comparison operator
acceptance, precedence, and representation of the FIQL ``Operator``.

    OPERATOR_MAP (dict of tuple): Mappings of FIQL operators to common terms
        and their associated precedence.
    REV_OPERATOR_MAP (dict): Reverse mappings for common FIQL operators.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import absolute_import

from .exceptions import FiqlObjectException

    ';': ('AND', 2),
    ',': ('OR', 1),
    'AND': ';',
    'OR': ',',

[docs]class Operator(object): """ The comparison ``Operator`` is the representation of the FIQL comparison operator. Attributes: value (string): The FIQL operator. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, fiql_op_str): """Initialize instance of ``Operator``. Args: fiql_op_str (string): The FIQL operator (e.g., ";"). Raises: FiqlObjectException: Invalid FIQL operator. """ if fiql_op_str not in OPERATOR_MAP: # Check for 'AND' or 'OR'. if not REV_OPERATOR_MAP.get(fiql_op_str): raise FiqlObjectException( "'%s' is not a valid FIQL operator" % fiql_op_str) fiql_op_str = REV_OPERATOR_MAP.get(fiql_op_str) self.value = fiql_op_str
[docs] def to_python(self): """Deconstruct the ``Operator`` instance to a string. Returns: string: The deconstructed ``Operator``. """ return OPERATOR_MAP[self.value][0]
def __str__(self): """Represent the ``Operator`` instance as a string. Returns: string: The represented ``Operator``. """ return self.value def __cmp__(self, other): """Compare using operator precedence. Args: other (Operator): The ``Operator`` we are comparing precedence against. Returns: integer: ``1`` if greater than ``other``, ``-1`` if less than ``other``, and ``0`` if of equal precedence of ``other``. """ prec_self = OPERATOR_MAP[self.value][1] prec_other = OPERATOR_MAP[other.value][1] if prec_self < prec_other: return -1 if prec_self > prec_other: return 1 return 0 def __eq__(self, other): """Of equal precedence. Args: other (Operator): The ``Operator`` we are comparing precedence against. Returns: boolean: ``True`` if of equal precedence of ``other``. """ return OPERATOR_MAP[self.value][1] == OPERATOR_MAP[other.value][1] def __lt__(self, other): """Of less than precedence. Args: other (Operator): The ``Operator`` we are comparing precedence against. Returns: boolean: ``True`` if of less than precedence of ``other``. """ return OPERATOR_MAP[self.value][1] < OPERATOR_MAP[other.value][1]